Just wondering...
Jul. 15, 2003 ] 11:37 PM
Some thoughts keep bugging me. They are loose ends. They need to be tied up! Or in some cases, ensure that they are never loose in the first place.

Just wondering... what would you do if you signed someone's guestbook waxing lyrical about their recent entry, only to discover that you intepreted the content wrongly? Or even worse, so bungled your reading of the entry that you totally missed the point by a mile? Like congratulating someone when he was being sarcastic about losing a friend? Will you bite the bullet? Or run off howling in embarrassment into the wild woods yonder?

Just wondering... whatever happened to the two eleven year old boys in Korea who were swapped at birth and brought up by different sets of parents? It was in a newspaper article about nine years ago. I remember reading that the mother of one of the boys felt vindicated after finding out that the boy she brought up wasn't her biological fruit of her womb. She had to endure taunts about the parentage of her boy because he looked nothing like her husband.

So what happened to the boys? Were they exchanged by their respective foster families? Is genetic purity far more important than the feelings fostered by eleven years of love and care? Especially in the light of Matt Ridley's The Red Queen. One never knows. We never received any follow up to the article.

I am hoping that both sets of parents decided to move closer to each other. Maybe even to keep rearing the cuckoo they had in their nest, but changing the family name of the boy. After all, it would be in the best interests of the child to keep him in a stable environment and yet ensure that family lineage and honour is kept. Of course, this is assuming all other things are equal, like love, care, concern, bread and butter issues etc.

Just wondering... in terms of primogeniture... If twin boys were born through a caesarian, which twin should be considered the elder? The one in the birth canal as ordained by nature, or the one lifted out of the womb by the surgeon? I vaguely recall a scenario similar to this, but I am not certain if it was fact or fiction, from television or from a novel.

It will make a great fantasy novel. What if the one prophesied to save the world has to be the first-born? Now that would be a muddle wouldn't it? Or maybe not. Prophecies are mythical, a force of nature. The child that nature intended to be first-born should be the saviour. Well, it is how I would write my novel if I ever write one. Which tells you how my mind works. Little boxes. Oh nevermind.

Off on a tangent. Go read The Bone Doll's Twin and its sequel, Hidden Warrior. They are typical heroic fantasy novels, but there's something refreshing about the whole premise. I can't put my finger on what it is, but readers who rave about the books have. I do not necessarily agree with them, but I do admit that it is a pretty good series compared to much of the terrible stuff written these days. Or perhaps my tastes have become somewhat too jaded for mainstream fantasy.

wax ] wane
