Ramble on
Jul. 21, 2003 ] 2:34 PM
There's a very fine line between pride and sheer stupidity, and I think I crossed it this afternoon. It was raining heavily and I had forgotten my umbrella and I turned down not one, but two offers of an umbrella. The first was a kindly old man smoking outside the building I took refuge at; the second was the lady at the noodle store where I had lunch. It was simply idiotic of me because the bloody temperature is in the low tens, the wind was a howler, it is winter and I was soaked. Sheesh. I know, my pride will get me killed some day. The ironic thing is, sometimes I have no pride at all when my emotions take over.

But never mind.


I suppose I should make myself agreeable to people. I mean, here I walk into the noodle store and see someone whom I was nice to before and was rebuffed in the most disagreeable and rude way it is possible without making too much of a scene.

I suppose I could return to my earlier "high profile" life, where it seemed that almost everyone knew me, and if they didn't like me, they kept their mouths shut, simply because I had too many people who liked me as well.

Ahh, those were the days.

I just don't feel perky anymore.

At least I know I have charm, if I wish to utilise what dregs of it I have left. Apparently, I have a charming smile. Magical, enchanting.

Sheesh, do I sound like I am consoling myself?

wax ] wane
