Chain Reaction
Sept. 18, 2003 ] 7:54 PM
My study table and chair are just not conducive to my knees and variable parts of me that seem to suffer the most knocks. Everyone has experienced the excruciating pain that comes after one has banged one's knee at some very tender joint area, so I am not complaining about some obscure odd behaviour pattern.

My study space is extremely crammed due to some awkward architecture, and it does not help that my chair has raised arm-rests. This means that to get out of my chair I need to push it all the way back, where it hits the wall. Even so, there is only a hand span of space for me to manoeuvre my bulk free. It requires skill and dexterity, things that a klutz cannot afford when she realises she is late for something, she needs to go, and when she needs to answer the mobile phone that happens to be on the other side of the room in a triple-locked bag.

Hence said person will inevitably hit said soft knee parts on the side of the table, which then induces said person to react instinctively to clutch the pain-filled spot. And while I am hopping around like an energiser bunny, swearing a blue streak, I will very often collide with something else, like the edge of the table. And that hurts even more.

You get the picture. I need shin and knee pads.

wax ] wane
