Bland & Boring
Sept. 21, 2003 ] 7:55 PM
Well, there hasn't been much of interest happening these days. They are all so bland, blending in with one another that I got confused about the right day of the week for a couple of days. Right now I do know it is Sunday, having ascertained through the newspapers.

Unless I write about my day, which is "I got up, I played a few cds, I tidied my room, I stubbed my toe again, went out for dinner, was annoyed with the bf for his impetuous habit of getting up and marching to the counter to grab a menu or condiments when the service is too slow for him... or we start bickering about warcraft and some kind (or nosy) man decides to break it up by asking us if the restaurant we were waiting outside was Japanese or Korean..."

OH wait. That sounded interesting didn't it? But it happens all the time. It comes in the instruction booklet that was packaged with this couple. And depending on how irritated I am the bickering will escalate into a fight. I guess it is kind of droll to a third party, this constant bickering.

But in the last fight, he was reduced to tears of frustration and hurt. Not a good sign. On the other hand, it means that the relationship has recovered enough to mean something precious to him again. But yah, he changed for the worse the last time he cried. Argh, so that is not a really good sign.

To my mom, it just proves her point that we won't get along, especially when we are apart. Chemistry is the only real glue in this relationship. Remove the proximity where chemistry can react, and we will bicker and probably not be able to soothe things over in time for the next argument.

As a sidenote, I suppose if I am a neat fastidious person, I should be a manipulative one as well. A small step from controlling your environment to controlling the people in your larger environment I should think. That bears soul-searching.

Oh look, I have a decent sized entry. Mission accomplished.

wax ] wane
