The Dentist
Sept. 28, 2003 ] 7:56 PM
He looms over me
God on a stick
Paid by the hour.
Featureless cyclops
With an all knowing eye
And a death grin
I know is there.

The vision changes
As the room upheaves itself
Powered by his power
A quick shuttering of the eye
One moment, I am blinded,
The next discarded, unseen.
His attention sporadiac
But fixated on his whim.

Blinded, bound, effectively gagged,
I am,
Thrall to his quiet mumbling chants,
Spelling the panicked,
Faceless words without a meaning,
To the impoverished, the benighted and the illiterate.

I want to punish him,
Break him into little bits
Like he breaks me
With the harsh whirr
That trundles deep
Beyond bone and flesh
Held together only by skin,
Skin deep.

He enunciates my sins
Enumerates each of them.
Savouring each word.
Irregular, illogical whimsies.
Excoriates all my natural pleasures
Unworthy of his labour.

My teeth are bared,
In anger, in fright, it matters not,
They are useless,
Denatured, defiled.
I wish to speak.
But I cannot cry out.
Only grunt in glottal gutturals.

What utterances cannot make mouths?
Only birth lips that bleed
Stuttering out precious blood
With each beat of the heart.

How quaint,
That word, heart,
Replaceable, paradoxically irreplaceable,
A synonym, fashioned like some sweet valentine
A monument that appears
In silly girly poems
In nectar, in candy, in chocolate truffles
As love.

There's that signifier again,
To dictate to the unlearned.
Irreplaceable, refutable.
An old mothering whore
Whose milk dried out,
Just one letter short of suffocation.
Thus she sucks me dry,
Rots me to condemn me instead:
Sentenced to be bound and gagged
At his mercy,
In his chair.

My pain,
Can you, tenderless demon,
So far removed,
Capped, gowned and masked,
Feel it?

I cannot speak.
I can only cry.

wax ] wane
