Boring Stuff (I forgot what number this should be.)
Mar. 31, 2004 ] 1:26 AM
Hmmm, just a brief record of what I have been doing in my long unexplained absence. I want to catch Law & Order soon, so this is a pretty slip-shod entry.

(Gosh, I suppose you can infer that I am detail-oriented, a perfectionist and highly critical of self and other people. Oh look, adjectives one should or should not use in resumes!)

I believe writing is a skill and requires a lot of practice. So, it is rather hard for me to get into the swing of things again, after such a long absence.

At least I am writing in simple sentences - no purple prose to make me wince at the absurd way my entries tend to ramble on. Wait, I am doing long rambly stuff with limited vocabulary thingy again.

Well, one consolation is that at the least it isn't purple prose.

I'm being critical of myself because I just read a blog with the most atrocious metaphors. I just couldn't help but wince each time I hit a clumsily constructed line. One could tell that the blogger was bordering on hysteria, but still, it didn't justify long rambling sentences with awkward phrasing. Especially when it seemed that she did put a lot effort into the entry.

(Oh wait, there I go again, on long, awkward, rambly sentences that lead nowhere.)

And yes, I am in a nasty bitchy mood today. It happens when you are sleep-deprived. Perhaps it is not so much a mood change as a lack of interest to behave in a proper circumscribed manner.

Oh wait, scratch out "interest", I think I meant "inclination". Have I mentioned that I am losing my carefully constructed vocabulary, word by word?

I might have to start writing regularly again. It took me four hours to churn out one cover letter.

Yes, that's what I have been doing. Job applications. Not that I sent out hundreds in the lengthy period I have been away.

But nevermind. It has been nineteen minutes into Law & Order. I'm not sticking around to finish this entry.

Well, maybe I will, tomorrow morning. After picking up after my sister. Mental note: more on that later.

I'm back to the lackadaisical entries I was fond of writing at the inception of this journal.

Tis not very reassuring being confronted with the gradual decline of my command over the English language.

Oh wait, that was another entry, which I should have written down about a week ago, instead of leaving it to stew and bug me in my head. Some whiny complaint about picking up teenage slang from my sister.


wax ] wane
