Bored, with balloon
Jun. 20, 2004 ] 1:31 AM
Who reads the fine print on helium balloons?

This balloon may conduct electricity. Do not release outdoors. Do not use near overhead powerlines. Misuse may cause personal injury. Use with counterweights. Dispose of properly. Never use metallic ribbons with balloon.

I wonder if they give crash courses on balloon safety to those hired to give out these balloons. And with the climate's predilection for thunderstorms, people should be educated on proper balloon care. Imagine the mayhem if a freak accident with said balloon and lightning occur, right in the middle of Orchard Road. Of course, with all those tall, imposing buildings and fancy lightning rods, you will have to be really, really, really, unlucky to conduct electricity. Although, if we take into account poor unfortunate individual, whose job is to give out these shiny balloon targets, we can multiply the probability by the number of balloons.

(If you are wondering why the heck I am talking about helium balloons, I swiped one advertising a mobile phone from a nice girl in town, on Thursday. I also met a cheeky fellow who said it was the biggest mobile phone he had ever seen, and asked for my number. The balloon is now bobbing happily over my computer table.)

wax ] wane
