Squeak, squeak, GRRRRRR
Jul. 28, 2004 ] 1:30 AM
I'm so shiny and new at work that I squeak. Literally.

Supervisor: "Nervous?"

Me: "Eeeps, err.. yes."


Anyway, I am very grouchy right now. Very sleep deprived. Not a good thing for the near future because I have reports to type out tomorrow morning which require a clear head and alert mental facilities and the ability to use specific jargon instead of simple sentences.

Dad woke me up at 6.30 am cleaning the bathroom, which involves a lot of splashing and squirting of hoses and manipulation of water flow into high sonic jets. And the bathroom is located in my room. And that's after I slept at about 2 in the morning with some work I brought home.

When asked to (pretty please) stop cleaning the bathroom each time he uses it, Dad just told me to sleep earlier to catch up on lost sleep because everyone uses the bathroom early in the morning anyway, and will generate enough noise to wake me. (Which has happened every day since I started work. There is a continuous stream of traffic between the hours of 6am and 8am.)

So I bloody well did at 9pm today. And what happens? I'm up at 1.18 in the morning because dad decides to use the bathroom at midnight and clean it again.

So now, I'm on the living room computer, typing, and subsequently annoying my sister who has to wake up at 0545hrs.

See the vicious cycle here?

The most annoying thing is that when I am awake, Dad uses the bathroom in the kitchen.

wax ] wane
