House of Flying Daggers
Aug. 02, 2004 ] 11:07 AM
I messaged Belle on Friday, asking if she wanted to watch House of Flying Daggers with me on the weekend. She replied with a touch of incredulity, "You watch that kind of movie meh?"

I said I didn't care as long as there's eye-candy in the form of Zhang Ziyi on the screen and I sure as hell wasn't attracted to any of Zhang Yimou's work. Belle concurred with me, adding that it was a "postcard movie" and not because of its pretty actress. Secretly, I do have a soft spot for Andy Lau, because he was so much an integral part of my childhood viewing pleasure. The Japanese actor was quite attractive too, but it was a belated pleasure because I only discovered his cute quotient during the movie.

I think the movie was money well-spent. It was absolutely gorgeous. My immediate thought after the drum-dance sequence was to watch it again just to see the whole sequence played out once more. Yes, Zhang Yimou did not have to show everything in slow-mo, but my palate has not been jaded yet to dismiss it as over-the-top show over substance.

However, the film became well-worth its ticket price because of the last thirty minutes. As a matter of fact, I have never laughed hysterically at a comic scene for more than 30 secs. I did last night, at the whole fight sequence and was bent double with silent giggles throughout the whole agonising time. Judging from the audience response, there were many who evidently felt the same. Although, Belle was more annoyed than amused at the ending and was shifting uncomfortably in her side muttering about the injustice of the kitschy ending in comparison with the impressive beginning.

As an afterthought, I wish to add that there was strictly too much tearing of cumbersome clothing in the movie.

Oh, and I'm getting the soundtrack.

wax ] wane
