Drowsy weekend and the parenting game
May. 12, 2002 ] 12:18 PM
Sleepy. That sums up my entire weekend. Oh wait, you mean the weekend isn't over yet? Wow. Now get your lazy butt out from under the covers. *whine whine* But... but... it's nice and warm under the covers.


I should do work. I should do some work. That is the litany going through my brain right now, to the refrain of "Tomorrow is another day."

Oh and it's Mothers' Day. So I need to call my mom. We talk more on the phone when I am over here, in comparison to when I get to see her face to face. Well, relatively I suppose.

Mom's mom. I have to remember that I am the guinea pig for her parenting experiment. She's new to the whole parenting experience for an almost adult daughter. My sister will probably have it easier. As it is, her teenage shenanigans seem to be more tolerated than mine were, because mom got used to it when she had to tackle me head-on. So yes. I should remember that when I get into a rousing fight with my mom.

We are all new at this game. Well, this is the first time I am growing up too. Duh.

wax ] wane
