Badly written entry. (I'm ashamed of it in fact.)
Oct. 09, 2002 ] 7:03 PM
The writer was Christine de Pizan. And this is a continuation of last night's entry.

But I don't feel the need to rant and rave about ignorant bigots because right now I feel that there are too many in the world at this moment, and if I start ranting right now, I am a bigot. Not to mention that I do not even feel like working myself up into a self-righteous anger. I'm too sleepy, you see.

Here are some trivial bits to entertain myself (and readers). I should do my dissertation on Louise Bogan. But when I checked the library, they had only four books on her, and two of those were different editons of her collected poems. So in practical terms: Scrap that idea.


I'm afraid I may have to stop writing for a bit, (anything from a day or two to a week) until I can think cogently and coherently. I cannot seem to be able to collect my thoughts without taking far too much effort.

I'm a lazy bugger you see. And a little off-colour these couple of days. Drained, white-washed little wisp of a girl.

Good news is... My hair is long enough so that I can bundle the ends into a spiky tuft that sticks out like a rabbit's tail. Or Bambi's tail. Bad news is... That's only half of my hair in that tuft, the other half is my fringe. So I have to get it cut again until it all grows out to a nice even length.

Why oh why did I ever remove so much of my hair almost a year ago?

Oh yeah, migraines. I forgot about that, having not suffered from them for quite a bit, except when I am highly stressed.


wax ] wane
