A silver lining
May. 28, 2002 ] 4:42 PM
I am halfway through re-constructing my sestina page. There's a fair number that has been added. In time, I hope when the reviewers come a-marching in.

There is a silver lining in deleting every entry on that page, despite having to retype and rearrange the poems. I had a good hard look at some of them, and some just don't meet the cut. So they will be gone *poof* from the page for all of eternity. And others have been reannotated and edited again.

Oh listen to me. It's as if I am some big kahuna in the literary world. Oh nevermind. I am happy with them and that's all it should matter. I shouldn't care what the rest of the world think.

Of course, there is the matter of good taste and decency of course. (Now why does that sound familiar?) Blah. I lost my thread of thought.

Oh forget it. I have to go do some reading in time for my next essay.

Blasted assessments.

wax ] wane
