Two & A Half
Aug. 12, 2002 ] 12:48 AM
That day we stood at the junction
Where Maze Street joined Hobson's Crossing.
Where the lights were green for a fleeting touch.

The lone point I focused upon
Was the feel of strength
Beneath my dreamy head
Against your solid arm.

All around me,
Time blurs,
A landscape of you defining
The freewheeling crowd.

At the cessation of August,
We stood,
An asymmetrical line
Following the curve of one shoulder
Leaning into the other.

This year I stood alone.
Where Maze Street sliced Hobson's Crossing.
Where the lights turned an angry orange

Into a red unblinking eye.
Watching the lone figure
Supported by torpid pride
Backbone of austere dignity,

All around me,
Time blurs,
A watercolour of tears mar
The freewheeling crowd.

At the cessation of August
I stood.
An onerous tangent
To the dull graphite line
That runs parallel to single solitude.
wax ] wane
