Bad aim
Aug. 19, 2002 ] 9:27 PM
I'm terribly grouchy these days. Snappish. Argumentative. Sarcastic. Unforgiving. Haughty. Nasty. Grumpy. Aggressive. Proud. Anti-social.

And it shows. In the online forum I participate in, I am slinging mud at some poor newbie. Most of the time I wouldn't even bother with his two-bit post, but something about his tone (that poor fellow!) sends out a challenge to me, to don full armour and run him over with a two-tonne warhorse.

Of course I might lose in this war of wits, because my brain isn't functioning even at minimum capacity. But let's not think about it. I hope the administrator doesn't delete my last post.


It's PMT, what can I say? I hate admitting it, but it is the most liable cause. Plus a dose of stress as well, of course. My workload is getting heavier at the moment, and whatever I do does not seem to put a dent in it.

At least I am not getting migraines or teary this month. I think BF is having it easy. I think he is cowering under the bed, taking cover from the verbal pot-shots I am slinging at him these days.

(He prefers this to hearing me blubber and blow my nose over the phone. Says it grosses him out in the most juvenile sense.)

He has an advantage though. I have had too little sleep for the past four days and my aim is really, really bad.


wax ] wane
