2 rights & 1 wrong
Dec. 10, 2002 ] 7:16 PM
This thought crossed my mind: Just because someone did not do anything "wrong", does not mean the person did anything "right" either. There is a grey area between these two distinctions. SO what do we call this grey area?

This relates to what has been going on in my life. I am always afraid of doing a "wrong", or try to avoid making a "wrong". But not doing anything "wrong" does not mean I am doing anything "right". Two "wrongs" do not make a "right", in the same way that two "rights" do not make you superior to someone who is "wrong".

I'm just quibbling. But it does have some relevance to me right now. However, I am having a migraine, so if you excuse me, I need to go lie down. And NOT think.

wax ] wane
