The poor put upon male
Dec. 16, 2002 ] 3:24 AM
My dad has become a fanatic about The Amazing Race. It is amazing to watch the lengths he goes to, even to watch a repeat of the show. He just flops himself in front of the TV and his eyes never leaves the flickering screen. No one may interrupt this Sabbath for any reason, short of the roof falling down I think.

He's probably seen each episode four times and he can quote from them at any time. He can even anticipate and mouth the words that come from each contestant even before it is shown in the programme. Oh, and if you are curious, he reckons that the married couple (I forget their names),is the best team. No one may even insinuate the least possible flaw about them or one gets a really long tirade about how they are the best and why they should win. And he drives the family into belly laughs with the falsetto he uses to mimic the women in the show. Especially poor Flo.

Okay, maybe it's poor Zach and obnoxious Flo, but I feel rather sorry for her sometimes too. When I watch her, I think about how much editing the producers must have done for the show to portray a woman in her worse facet without even a saving grace. I mean, even if she is obnoxious, I think she must have some good bits about her. No one is completely that annoying, irritating etc. That is too unrealistic. One of the Twins did like her, so there must be something to her. A nice, softer, gentler side? Zach likes her too, so he must have seen something too. Okay, not poor Zach I suppose. It seems that the description of Zach is always "poor Zach" these days when I hear people chat about the race.

I don't think Flo is that unique after all. Many pretty Singaporean women act like her. Whiny, bratty but pretty. The whole "I'm a girl, I'm beautiful, give in to me" attitude. Sounds familiar? And maybe I'm biased or something. It is always easier to point a finger at someone else. I suppose I feel some sympathy for her for all the flak she gets because I probably act like her some of the time.

I think a lot of women are just like her. They may criticise her actions when having their little gossip sessions, but that's them getting on their high horses and feeling superior to an obviously inferior specimen of womanhood. They may act like this in real life to their boyfriends and male friends, but that's different, that's understandable. That's their pregorative. But when you put these very same women into that high stress situation, with the same face day after day, and a guy who obviously has a personality that is at odds with yours (Zach is rather tight with the cash, whereas Flo does like her creature comforts), I think even the best behaved woman would crack.

Bah. Meow. I think my own claws are showing.

wax ] wane
