The Two Towering Things
Dec. 18, 2002 ] 12:37 PM
Sheesh. I wanted to get tickets for The Two Towers today but the brat decided she wanted to watch it tomorrow morning instead of this evening. And here she is, "Little Miss I Can't Wait Anymore!!!", putting it off for an additional fifteen hours, while "Big Miss I Might Go Watch It / Maybe Watch It in January" has built herself into this huge rolling mass of enthusiasm for the film. I'm sulking right now.

No, I am not a Legolas Greenleaf groupie. The Brat is. Every poster of Orlando Bloom that has been published in a magazine (in Singapore) hangs in her room. I remember picking up a copy of Teens and asking my mom, "When did the brat start spending money on such magazines?" Something folded fell out of the copy at that moment, and I nearly tossed what I thought were useless advertisement brochures into the wastepaper bin. I was lucky. She bought the magazine for that folded up poster of Orlando Bloom which nearly got incinerated by an overzealous neat freak. I shudder to think which hospital I would be in right now had I tossed it.



I'm playing far too much Warcraft III. I suppose it is expected simply because I have ADSL (unlimited) and a pretty good gaming machine (for Warcraft anyway). Heh. It occupies me for about 7-9 hours and the rest is spent moaning about how bored I am, eating, sleeping, MTV and anime.

Slug. I was going to end on the noise a slug makes but I think they don't have a distinctive noise.

That's right. Too much radiation from the computer. I think my brain has been fried.

wax ] wane
