A death of the old.
Aug. 29, 2003 ] 11:51 PM
(A continuation from the last entry. But you can read this on its own.)

There are facets and facets of human nature, human fraility and human error.

No one may write with the impartiality, the separation of truth and perception. To write is passion, passion a human attribute and thus fallable to error. Writing without passion is stilted, dead and is ultimately unreadable, irrecoverable. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to write without bias, but perhaps one can write under the pretence of fairness, and hope that the discipline of thought may perhaps enable a person to change his opinion, hopefully, for the better.

I have realised through my drafts and drafts of entries why people reacted the way they have to me. And I have come to know myself better too.

This is the final entry for alithiel. And I thank all those who came along on my journey of self-discovery.

The offer still stands. If you wish, just mail me.

Or request in the guestbook with an email address.

If you have, please be patient. I have a whole new place to be made anew.

wax ] wane
