Why is zippiness not a word?
Aug. 25, 2004 ] 1:34 PM
Nope, I haven't disappeared completely. But I have been really busy and have little time to spare for ruminating online. I did scribble some notes down, as usual: bits on the previous entry, some nuggets of thought that struck me as amusing, quaint or provocative and a few interesting sights on my way to work. I will write it, once I can allocate breathing time.

Right now, I am juggling my time between work, my student, Warcraft, Law & Order, CSI, freelancing for my aunt and the people around me. I already had to give up my cross-stitch and cut down on gaming.

Blogging was always a cathartic experience for me. For some inexplicable reason I am extremely bright and cheerful these days, therefore I cannot summon enough angst to pen long whiny dramas online. Heh.

(Maybe I am growing up. Or maybe I�m just in mania and will crash sometime soon. I hope not. Crashing I mean. Side note: Meeting someone incredibly zippy is strangely scary to lots of people though.)

However, I have decided to incorporate my LJ for work-related entries into its original designation for random thoughts, because of its friends-only system. I still do not have a credit card for Pay Pal to upgrade to a gold account and secure that option in Diaryland.

wax ] wane
