Hell hath no Fury
Nov. 10, 2001 ] 10:50 PM
Nothing much to update on except that my BF pointed out that netscape users couldn't use the scrollbar that I had incorporated into my design. It irks me to no end that my nice rectangle is now elongated but I thought it was better that design is usable on both browsers.

Okay, I lied.

I had a one-sided shouting match over the phone with the BF last night which ended with both of us cooing like the sickeningly sweet couple we are, at 4 a.m. his time and 11p.m. my time. A one sided match? Well, I was shouting; he was getting annoyed and I never realised it before but when he's annoyed his voice deepens and grows more masculine than usual with each intonation of each word.

What did we argue about? Well, I am not going into the stupid feud that is the root cause of our lover's tiff. Nor am I going into details about the tiff in the first bloody place. It is sufficient to say that I currently have a feud with a small minded mean person who brings out the pettiness in me. Frankly, I have gone over the whole stupid thing over and over again until I am exhausted mentally and physically. I am still tired today.

This is frustrating, as in my current condition with the final essays up and me trying to beat a deadline to fly home for the summer, is already taking its toll on me. I don't need stupidity and meanness and fury messing up my life right now.

Okay, I am getting agitated again so I will stop now.

I am now currently avoiding said person so as not to stir up any energy draining emotions.

The funny thing is that I was well and truly insane when I was furious. My brain and my mouth were spitting fire while internally my thoughts were like, for example,"The fury in 'Hell has no fury like a woman scorned' is a pun on a Fury, or it might be a Fury we are talking about." and then continued into,"That phrase isn't right at all. The original was..." You get the idea.

The closest example I can think of is that scene in the Sandman where Lyta breaks her date's arm after her baby is kidnapped.

Well, I am sorry I talk about the Sandman all the time. I just finished reading it for the umpteen time.

:) Cheerio.

wax ] wane
